Creating an Arduino-powered sun tracker for solar panels is a fantastic project that can significantly increase the efficiency of your solar panel setup. This project involves building a mechanism that tilts the solar panels to follow the sun’s path throughout the day, ensuring maximum exposure to sunlight. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Project: Arduino-Powered Sun Tracker for Solar Panels

Materials Needed:

  1. Arduino Uno R3 Development Board
  2. Digital LDR Module
  3. TowerPro SG90 180-Degree Rotation Servo Motor
  4. 5V Square Shape 0.5W Solar Panel
  5. 840-Point Breadboard
  6. Jumper Wires
  7. Resistor Kit


  1. Design the Mounting System:

    • Create a stable platform for your solar panels that allows for tilting along two axes: azimuth (left and right) and altitude (up and down). The choice of materials and design will depend on your specific setup.
  2. Assemble the Hardware:

    • Mount the solar panels on your frame.
    • Connect LDRs to the Arduino using 10kΩ resistors to create voltage dividers. Place one LDR on the top of the frame to measure sunlight intensity, and another at the side to measure light direction.
    • Connect servo motors to the frame to control the azimuth and altitude adjustments.
  3. Arduino Wiring:

    • Connect the LDRs to analog pins on the Arduino.
    • Connect the servo motors to digital pins on the Arduino (e.g., servo1 and servo2).
  4. Calibrate LDRs:

    • Measure the analog output from LDRs under different lighting conditions (morning, noon, evening) to create a reference for the Arduino to determine the sun’s position.
  5. Programming the Arduino:

    • Write Arduino code to read LDR sensor values and calculate the position of the sun.
    • Use this data to control the servo motors, tilting the solar panels to track the sun.

Here’s a simplified example of Arduino code to give you an idea:

#include <Servo.h> Servo azimuthServo; Servo altitudeServo; int azimuthPin = A0; // LDR for azimuth int altitudePin = A1; // LDR for altitude int azimuthAngle = 90; // Initial azimuth angle int altitudeAngle = 90; // Initial altitude angle void setup() { azimuthServo.attach(9); // Attach the azimuth servo to pin 9 altitudeServo.attach(10); // Attach the altitude servo to pin 10 } void loop() { // Read [LDR]( values and calculate the new angles based on the sun's position // Use PID control or simpler logic for smoother tracking azimuthServo.write(azimuthAngle); altitudeServo.write(altitudeAngle); delay(1000); // Update every second }
  1. Testing and Calibration:

    • Test the sun tracker’s performance by placing it in direct sunlight. Make adjustments as needed to ensure accurate tracking.
    • Calibrate the angles to correspond with the LDR sensor values and the sun’s position.
  2. Power Supply and Safety:

    • Ensure the system is powered adequately and safely. If you are using a solar panel as a power source, you may need a charge controller to regulate the voltage and current.
  3. Monitoring and Data Logging (Optional):

    • To optimize performance, consider adding data logging capabilities to record solar panel efficiency over time.
  4. Enclosure:

    • Protect your Arduino and electronics from the elements by placing them in a weatherproof enclosure.
  5. Maintenance and Further Improvements:

    • Regularly maintain and check the system for any issues. You can also add features such as remote monitoring and control using IoT technology.

This project may require some technical expertise, especially in mechanics and electronics. Ensure you take safety precautions, especially if you’re dealing with high voltage electrical components. By creating a sun tracker for your solar panels, you can significantly boost your solar energy system’s efficiency and make better use of renewable energy sources.

