Official Raspberry Pi Debug Probe


All-in-one USB-to-serial debug and UART bridge
Both interfaces use a 3-pin debug connector
Open-source Raspberry Pi Picoprobe software
Three different types of debug cables to cover the vast use cases
plug and play debugging of Raspberry Pi Pico and other microcontrollers- and microprocessor-based platforms.

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SKU: A10926 Category: Brand:


The New Launched  Raspberry Pi Debug Probe is an inexpensive, all-in-one USB-to-serial debug and UART bridge. It provides the necessary hardware and cabling to support “plug and play” debugging of Raspberry Pi Pico and other microcontrollers- and microprocessor-based platforms.
The Raspberry Pi Debug Probe provides both a processor serial debug interface (by default this is the ARM Serial Wire Debug interface) and an industry-standard UART interface. Both interfaces use a 3-pin debug connector, as specified in the Raspberry Pi 3-pin debug connector specification.
The Raspberry Pi Debug Probe is provided as a kit, containing the probe hardware in a plastic case, and a set of cables: a USB cable, and three different types of debug cables to cover the vast majority of use cases. While it has been designed primarily for use with Raspberry Pi debug targets, the Debug Probe provides standard CMSIS-DAP debug and UART interfaces over USB; it can therefore be used to debug other targets, or simply as a cost-effective USB-to-UART cable.
The Raspberry Pi Debug Probe is based on the Raspberry Pi Pico hardware design and runs the open-source Raspberry Pi Picoprobe software [picoprobe]. Updating the firmware is accomplished in the same way as on a Raspberry Pi Pico, so it is straightforward to keep the unit up to date with the latest Picoprobe firmware or to use custom firmware.


All-in-one USB-to-serial debug and UART bridge
Both interfaces use a 3-pin debug connector
Open-source Raspberry Pi Picoprobe software
Three different types of debug cables to cover the vast majority of use cases
plug and play” debugging of Raspberry Pi Pico and other microcontrollers- and microprocessor-based platforms.

For Technical Details about the product go through the datasheet in the attachments

Package Includes:
1 x Official Raspberry Pi Debug Probe

Additional information

Weight 0.03 kg
Dimensions 6 × 5 × 3 cm


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