Product: NUCLEO-F072RB Development Board Two push buttons for the user and reset STM32 comprehensive software HAL library Three LED indications for USB communication,
Product: NUCLEO-F303K8 Development Board, STM32F303K8 MCU Extension with Arduino???nano connectivity On-board ST-LINK/V2-1 debugger/programmer with SWD connector ?? USB VBUS, external source USB communication (LD1), power LED (LD2), user LED (LD3)
Product: STMICROELECTRONICS NUCLEO-L073RZ Development Board STM32 microcontroller 1 user LED shared with ARDUINO? 1 user and 1 reset push-buttons 32.768KHz crystal oscillator
Product: NUCLEO-L496ZG-P Development Board Source options for power supply are USB charger, VIN (7 ?? 12V) from ST Zio connector ST-LINK/V2-1 standalone kit capability USB re-enumeration capability, virtual COM port, mass storage, debug port 1Mbyte STM32 flash memory size, MCU with SMPS function
Product: STM32L0538-DISCO Development Board STM32L053C8T6 ARM 32bit Cortex-M0+ with MPU USB re-enumeration capability with three different interfaces supported on the USB Board power supply through USB bus or from an external 5V supply voltage